
Skin Analysis

Have you ever wondered about the true status of your skin? No more guesswork! Skin analysis with a professional skin analyzer could help you understand your skin’s current status and help you make correct decisions for improvement. In our clinic, we use a professional skin analyzer that can test, take samples, have visual and have a comparison report for: dermal…

Thermo-active facelift

Are you ready for your facelift? I know that most of the strong skin regenerating process stimulating procedures usually are not that pleasant. However Thermo-active facial is different. If you haven’t had it before, trust me, this is a different facelift experience. How does it work? First of all – even though this thermo-active facial belongs to the classical facial…

Skin Rejuvenation

Refresh, renew, renovate, and restore – that is what rejuvenation means when talking about the skin. And the aim of rejuvenating is not just to make skin’s appearance youthful, but also suggest to revert the ageing of the skin. What procedures to choose? So basically, all procedures and products that are targeting ageing can be called rejuvenating products or procedures.…

Can we escape AGEING?

Ageing isn’t our concern till we are at least 35. That is the number where our ageing process starts. Can we escape that or slow down at least? Anything is possible. Depends on how good you were with your body till then, depends on how good your genetics are, depends on your diet, on your activities, body/ face type (there…

ultrasonic scrub

Ultrasonic Scrub Facial

Have you heard of ultrasonic scrub facial? You haven’t? Let me tell you the benefits of that facial. The amazing thing is that this scrub works on ultrasound. So many procedures are done with ultrasound and they are proven to be effective and safe procedures. There is a difference in how that ultrasound works – that’s all. Some waves desquamate…